Performance foam for radomes
Nobody relies on visual cues any more in commercial and military aircraft operation. Radar devices have taken over multiple navigation and positioning tasks and have become an indispensable element of aircraft operation.
The covers of such radar devices, also known as radomes, are typically designed as sandwich composites. They have to match the shape of the aircraft, which can be a conventional plane, helicopter, or unmanned air vehicle (UAV). Because of the high speeds and exposure to foreign bodies, such covers must meet the highest mechanical requirements and not interfere with radar beams in any way.
ROHACELL® is the core material of choice for these applications, for example in grades IG-F or WF, which have excellent mechanical strength and are very well suited for thermoforming into spherical or double-curved dishes. Since the dielectric properties of ROHACELL® are very close to those of air, the PMI-based foam permits the passage of radar beams without any obstacles.
Real 5G. ROHACELL is a clear choice.

5G is the future of global communication. It will take time to be adopted everywhere, but it will become an essential part of everyday life for billions of people around the globe. Radomes cover the antennas, not to lose signal strength.
ROHACELL® allows to create radoms that conform to the incredibly tight tolerances demanded by this application. The qualities of the foam are crucial in creating the distance required in a radome core to provide mechanical strength for protection of the sensitive equipment it covers while reducing interference with signals. The result is a truly disruptive product.