Building the future of high-speed transportation means using innovative materials. The design team at the Technical University Muenchen took on the challenge of the Hyperloop Design Pod Competition, and partnered with Evonik to use ROHACELL® ultra-lightweight foam as a core element in their pod design.

Hyperloop – a creative initiative first proposed in 2013 to explore the realm of high-speed transportation of people and goods.
An exciting new concept in transportation took one step toward reality in June of 2015 with the announcement of an Hyperloop Pod Design Competition. Students and designers were invited to build pods that would compete on a mile-long track as a first step toward the ultimate goal of super high-speed transportation for our future.
The Technical University of Munich (TUM) accepted the challenge and went to work immediately. Their designs have proven to be highly successful. Since the beginning, TUM’s pod prototypes have won all rounds of the event, establishing competition benchmarks for top performance and then going on to break their own records.